Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct. 11 Class Outline

Sports Reporting Class: Midterm Week Special!

Quotes for the day:

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." -- John Lennon
"There's nothing you can know that isn't known." -- John Lennon

Due today: Article #2
Due next week: Critique #4

Ferraro story leads:

--I will read the leads to each story in random order (no names attached). After you listen, you will "grade" each lead on the following scale:

2=Eh, OK
3=Solid effort
4=Excellent effort

Peer editing: Other classes do it. We will do it. Your thoughts on HOW we do it ...

Food for thought: We will discuss final story/final exam story ideas in class.

Final topic parameters:
--Minimum of 6 sources (more is better)
--At least one additional element (sidebar, box/list, graphic, etc)
--Controversial topic with more than one side
--Feature/profile that has some depth to it and that will require a diversity of sources
--Length: Minimum of 1250 words (more is better)
--Note: This is a working list. We may update/change it as we go ...

Style Point of the Week: its vs. their

I saw this in a lot of papers. When referring to a singular noun, like "team," the possessive is its. When referring to a plural noun, like "Red Foxes," the possessive is their.

We will discuss this, and other topics, in class.

See you soon!

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